Ivermectin kills covid dead.
it works in prophylaxis.
It's been around since 1975 and has been used almost 4 billion times. There is already existing extensive safety data. You can't have it both ways: the new vaccines don't have this length of data Pandora approved for emergency use only. How can you say one safe and the other is not safe?
$afe $afer $afest?
Ivermectin unintended side effect of being able to eliminate the covid-19 novel coronavirus renders emergency use authorization for RNA virus vaccinations invalid.
For emergency use there can be NO alternatives.
This is why they are shutting down ivermectin. They being people with financial interests in the vaccination program as an answer to the covid-19 pandemic. They being politicians and fear mongers who bought into this scheme not realizing what they had signed up for and are now unable to reverse course. A multi-pronged approach is actually the best most pragmatic and economically sensible way to wipe out this soon to be determined man-made virus. Can you say chimera?
We are stuck down the financial rabbit hole.
I've known this for over a year. The data is piling up. It is undeniable. History will not be kind to those who perpetrated this financial misdeed. It's not one person with a mastermind it's acceptance of this greed and powerful and privileged oligarchs looking out for their own self-interests that align them with this evil.
Money is a the root of the evil being perpetrated.
Let's be clear Money itself is not the root of all evil but rather it's the love of money that is the root of all evil. Money has the capacity to do great good. And alleviate suffering. And provide for the basic needs of all.
Freedom is at risk. Freedom is the basis of innovation and discovery.
Truth is a two-way street.
Where is the balance? Where is the debate?
The nuclear option. We're stuck with the one choice. Legislated immunization. Vaccine passports. Totalitarian state and emergency measures enacted with poor statistical risk analysis. Using inflammatory models to predict the future.
Are we so woke that we've become blind sheep?
www.flccc.net. Is a good website for ivermectin information.
Just my thoughts for today, coming out of this quarantine deep fog. It's like a bad hangover.
Freedom first,
Safety third.
Life is a calculated risk.
Stop impinging on my rights in the name of medical emergencies based on inflammatory models of the future.
Natural immunity after infection is valid.
Follow the money trail. It's undeniable. The end game is we should just tax all that profit and bring it all back to the people.
Extreme accumulation of wealth is disproportionate becomes disgusting and will result in the flip flop of civilization as we know it. The wealthy should be willing to pay the tax to avoid the confrontation and to acknowledge that their wealth was gained from the society that they operate in and that they must also enrich that paradigm and not just take from. They have a responsibility and accountability with their profit. This especially includes corporations. Their existence should be determined by their accountability with moral, ethical and financial guidelines: Similar to safeguards that should be put in place for AI. But that's another debate. Human greed hides behind the faceless corporation. Perdue pharmaceuticals bankrupt but the Sackler family still has billions? Yeah right as in that's a rightful society. If Karma doesn't get you hopefully justice will prevail. History will not be kind to that family. Opioid addiction another financial scam and debate for another time.
We're going to wait at the finish line and just take the money from you.
Trump card, end game, checkmate...
Amended capitalism is not necessarily socialism. It's just ensuring that the game will continue as capitalism. The best system with social justice and economic benefits for all... Statistically speaking we need to lop off the long tail the extremes. The ultra successful shouldn't bemoan the trillions in taxes. Honestly, come on, it ensures that the game continues peacefully.